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Packs is a package installer that will help you manage your dependencies in a practical way.

for that, packs automatically manage their packages including them in the dependency files (requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt). The packs in addition to managing it also provides you to separate them into development and production packages.


Packs requires python version >= 3.5 and Urllib3

pip install packs


Before starting any installation or removal of packages through the Packs, two files will be generated:

  • requirements.txt

    Production dependency

  • requirements-dev.txt

    Development dependency

As you add or remove dependencies for a project through the Packs, it will add or remove the dependencies you changed. Example

packs i pillow -d

After running the command above, the Packs will add the Pillow package to the requirements-dev.txt (-d) file with its respective version of Pillow.

Note that the Packs does not distinguish between upper and lower case, that is, commands can be written in any format.

  • packs insTall Pillow -> OK
  • packs Install Pillow -> OK
  • packs InStAlL Pillow -> OK

To install any package, you can use the following commands and flags:

python install <Package name>
python i <Package name>

-u To update
-d or --dev To development packages
-r <file path> to install the packages through a file

To remove any package use the following commands and flags:

python remove <Package name>
python uninstall <Package name>
python rm <Package name>

--yes or -y to accept all
-r <file path> to remove the packages through a file

To list the installed packages use this commands and flags:

packs ls
packs list

--freeze or -f to list in freeze format
--color or -c to remove the colors

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